Everything is possible with Truth, Beauty, Freedom, Faith and Love

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Dress to impress? Dress for success? 
-- Let us dress For OURSELVES!! Not for the chance to catch a guys or girls attention but for yourself. Make yourself feel good. When you get dressed in the morning your clothes reflect your mood. Jeans and a T-Shirt can equal simplicity and a homely feeling. A dress, boots and cardigan can equal confidence, happiness, it shows how your soul is that day. We all have "off" days, but if you get up in the morning, feel down in the dumps but feel you'd like to change that for the day... walk into your closet, or open the door to your little corner of heaven, pick out the brightest thing and put it on. Better yet! Find that one piece of clothing that you look good in every time, whether it's a dress or a pair of jeans, it will make you feel better, feel confident and that's what your shooting for, Confidence!!! Because when You are Confident it shows and it helps you deal with people during the day because you're not constantly feeling gloomy or looking at someone going "gosh I wish I looked that nice" BECAUSE you DO LOOK THAT GOOD!!!

-- My newest goal for 2012 and the rest of my life is to dress nice everyday, but NOT for the chance to catch a boy friend, it's for ME! I want to feel good every day, even if I'm having a bad day. Then when I get home the sweats come out because I'm at home, in my little comfortable, warm, cozy place to just relax. It's also nice to stand out every now and then, have a guy take a second glance, have a woman compliment a piece of jewelry ( like I had today) or just to know that I'm going to smile all day long because I feel good about myself! :) 

From age 1 to 5 our parents dress us.
From age 6 to 12 we start to dress ourselves.
From age 13 to say 16 we really start to get wild and do crazy things because we are still kids. Or there's that random thing I have yet to understand of girls dressing the same!!! "if anyone can explain this too me or wants to shoot an opinion please do!
From age 17 to 19 we start to seriously care what we look like, because we are going out into the world to find stable jobs, and around 18 and 19 we start too look for a partner in life, go to college etc.
Now I'm 20 and I've got 6 months till I'm 21, and I want to look like an adult, not a child, not a teenager and not that person in-between but a grown up. To be taken seriously! To change how one dresses takes a large leap of faith and I'm taking that leap!!!

My Inspiration! I'm a girl of curves and I'm going to LOVE THEM!!! <3 and EMBRACE THEM!!! 

Me :) *by Daisy Yokley* 

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