What is life with out death? What is life with out pain? What is life with out the bad and the good? What is life with out love? What about life with just letting everyone be who they are? We force each other to define ourselves! But why? Why must I or my child or my friend or family member be defined to one image? Why can we not just be who we are? Why must it feel as though we must fit into groups, the skinny the fat the straights and gays and homosexuals and religious or non religious the free thinkers and can't manage to find their way out of the box thinkers!!! Money and image controls us all! A number also defines who we are. Credit holds an invisible power over us and even if we have worked hard everyday of our lives and don't have that high number we are worthless. We are not work giving to because of that number. How sad. When will society decide to wake up!? When we are all dead!? Or when there is only the smallest glimmer of hope left but by then it's so far away no one can reach it. Why, why, why!!!! We point fingers we blame others we fight and argue and we hate and we walk all over those around us. Just because you are older does not mean you are wiser but just because that's said doesn't mean with you being older you don't have respect from one who is younger. Don't use children as a weapon for they are the most innocent and beautiful. Don't be selfish! Remember who else is around you. Respect. Love. Be happy. Flourish that your family is large or even small. My body size does not define me and your view that we should all be a size two can be shoved...where ever you may want to shove it. Why can we not just be happy? Why is it not ok to be gay or lesbian? Because of a book. Why must we hide who we are because we are afraid of what others may think?! Who cares! Be you. Love who you may love, because none of us should judge. We have no soap box to stand on to judge. We just ARE who WE Are! Every life matters! Every heart beat on this planet matters. Why!? Is always the question. Let's start finding some answers to all those whys.
AF Photography
Everything is possible with Truth, Beauty, Freedom, Faith and Love
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
The changing times
It seems to me that all of the worlds so called "important" issues come about during the time of our stupid elections. One in particular is on the subject of abortion. A sensitive topic I know, but it wouldn't be so damn sensitive if people would take their religion out of it. That statement though has been said for years, and I know it will never change but it's sad. It's sad to know that we as humans have taken ourselves out of the ecosystem as if it is here to serve us, it is sad that we as humans have decided to follow some supposed divine book, which wouldn't be so horrible if the people that did follow it would stop and not push their beliefs onto others. It is sad to know that we as humans have no idea how to just be, how to function with out all this bull shit. Guidelines of life and liberty. We cause wars because we are bored, we tell women that they can't abort a fetus because it's unholy or against God's best wishes, when quite frankly that's the woman's decision because it's her body. Now, there are certain situations where yes, maybe it's not a good idea. Using abortion as a means for birth control, well...if you're going to do that you need your penis cut off or you need your tubes tied. The fact of the matter is people are not educated like they should, they do not think of the consequences to their actions because they are not taught that their actions have consequences. Do whatever you want, make mistakes and learn..yeah because that's just super smart! But, that's not always a horrible way to learn, I will admit but come on people, sit your children down and tell them to keep their legs closed and their pecker in their pants. There are 7 BILLION people on this planet. That's just ridiculous! I know that we have made ourselves up to be these amazing creatures who are capable of doing amazing things, like creating the computer I'm typing this up on and yes it's awesome that we can do that, but does that mean we should? You're probably thinking well, why not what's the harm? The harm is, that we are always creating things, always making ourselves feel as if we aren't animals. Strip yourself off down to nothing but your so called "birthday suit" and guess what, your an animal. We have our basic needs but we have taken what our minds allow us to do and pushed that boundary too far. Creating and creating and throwing away this and that, to pollute our planet and NOT taking responsibility for our actions! It's sad, it's just sad.
Just a little while ago I read where they want to pass a contraception law that allows employers who offer medical benefits to ask women if they are on birth control and if they are and it's not for medical reasons they have the right to fire that women! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!! That is NONE of their damn business. If a woman say of my age, 20 almost 21 wants to be on it because I don't want to get pregnant because let's say I like to have sex (which who doesn't), I could get fired because it's not a medical reason. Wow, just bloody wow!
Oh and get this, some stupid religious woman wants other women to watch an abortion take place before they themselves have it. Okay, may I first say that in my own opinion an abortion is okay if done before the fetus actually resembles a child. When it's a clump of cells it's not a life people, it's just cells. I'm sorry but that's just how it is, because it can't think or speak Because it's a CLUMP of CELLS! Secondly, in the consideration of the woman getting the abortion you have to know why she is getting it. If it's due to lack of responsibility then okay maybe question her but shit happens okay, even when you're safe, SHIT happens! Don't judge, for you are not here to judge!
Just a little while ago I read where they want to pass a contraception law that allows employers who offer medical benefits to ask women if they are on birth control and if they are and it's not for medical reasons they have the right to fire that women! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!! That is NONE of their damn business. If a woman say of my age, 20 almost 21 wants to be on it because I don't want to get pregnant because let's say I like to have sex (which who doesn't), I could get fired because it's not a medical reason. Wow, just bloody wow!
Oh and get this, some stupid religious woman wants other women to watch an abortion take place before they themselves have it. Okay, may I first say that in my own opinion an abortion is okay if done before the fetus actually resembles a child. When it's a clump of cells it's not a life people, it's just cells. I'm sorry but that's just how it is, because it can't think or speak Because it's a CLUMP of CELLS! Secondly, in the consideration of the woman getting the abortion you have to know why she is getting it. If it's due to lack of responsibility then okay maybe question her but shit happens okay, even when you're safe, SHIT happens! Don't judge, for you are not here to judge!
Friday, March 16, 2012
Fighting words!
This post should hopefully open up some conversation with anyone that decides to read it.
I am currently at this time extremely confused I guess. Let me start with, I have a facebook just like 90 percent of the population and I like to talk about EVERYTHING! One of the main topics as of late has been religion, and to go with that extreme I have also brought up sexuality, in smaller subjects gays. I myself am bi. I have yet to be with a woman but I know I will be with one if not more, it just depends. But that's not the topic so much of this post.
Now to shed some light on a few things before I get started, I am not religious. There is one man however on my facebook that I have known for many years, I went to school with his daughter and I've done the whole sleep over thing and I took his daughters wedding photos.
Every time I post something in regards to religion or my latest post that included a link to a blog about teen suicide and also gay teen suicide (an issue that doesn't get the attention it needs), this man has Something to say, whether it's his words or a passage from the Bible. He posts all kinds of videos, pictures, and scripture on his page that lately have been directed my way because he feels the need to educate me on the ways of God.
-I do not believe in God.-
What has me so flabbergasted right now is this mans last comment to me which was : and I quote (because I'm going to copy it)
----- angela all your post are telling me is that you want to be gay and not feel guilt heck its fine with me its your life live it as you please .I won't condam you thats not my place. wanting the best for you simon ...Jesus christ is lord !as for me and my house we will serve the lord.-----This response right here, it to the blog I posted about TEEN SUICIDE!!!
How sad can this get that this man will sit and talk about me, make an assumption that he knows nothing about, sit and say that I should feel guilty for living my life the way I want to and of course let's not forget that he had to bring God into the conversation. When all I did was try to shed light on an issue that I think needs the spot light on it.
This man is supposed to be a man of God, who has studied the Bible and scripture everyday for over 30 years yet the only thing he can do is continue to push his beliefs on me, ignore the subject at hand and say "Jesus Christ is lord!". As if I haven't all ready figured that's how he feels is the ONLY path to life and that everyone else has no clue what they are talking about. What the hell!!!
To top this all off his daughter actually left me a comment saying "Dear friend, if there is indeed such a place as hell, I think believing that you never judged will be the least of your concerns". Which was in response to me posting facts as well as me saying "though to some people I'm going to hell because I don't believe what they believe but at least I will die knowing I did not judge".
I took this girls WEDDING PHOTOS!!! And she tells me this! It's been bothering me and bothering me and every time I think I've let it go, there it is again! I'm hurt and I've pushed it to the side, but what else am I to do? I know letting it go would be the ideal thing but I don't understand how someone who is supposed to be my friend can sit and say that, and better yet post it on a social media web site for all of my friends to read!!!
Can I get some opinions on this please!?
Thank you!
I am currently at this time extremely confused I guess. Let me start with, I have a facebook just like 90 percent of the population and I like to talk about EVERYTHING! One of the main topics as of late has been religion, and to go with that extreme I have also brought up sexuality, in smaller subjects gays. I myself am bi. I have yet to be with a woman but I know I will be with one if not more, it just depends. But that's not the topic so much of this post.
Now to shed some light on a few things before I get started, I am not religious. There is one man however on my facebook that I have known for many years, I went to school with his daughter and I've done the whole sleep over thing and I took his daughters wedding photos.
Every time I post something in regards to religion or my latest post that included a link to a blog about teen suicide and also gay teen suicide (an issue that doesn't get the attention it needs), this man has Something to say, whether it's his words or a passage from the Bible. He posts all kinds of videos, pictures, and scripture on his page that lately have been directed my way because he feels the need to educate me on the ways of God.
-I do not believe in God.-
What has me so flabbergasted right now is this mans last comment to me which was : and I quote (because I'm going to copy it)
----- angela all your post are telling me is that you want to be gay and not feel guilt heck its fine with me its your life live it as you please .I won't condam you thats not my place. wanting the best for you simon ...Jesus christ is lord !as for me and my house we will serve the lord.-----This response right here, it to the blog I posted about TEEN SUICIDE!!!
How sad can this get that this man will sit and talk about me, make an assumption that he knows nothing about, sit and say that I should feel guilty for living my life the way I want to and of course let's not forget that he had to bring God into the conversation. When all I did was try to shed light on an issue that I think needs the spot light on it.
This man is supposed to be a man of God, who has studied the Bible and scripture everyday for over 30 years yet the only thing he can do is continue to push his beliefs on me, ignore the subject at hand and say "Jesus Christ is lord!". As if I haven't all ready figured that's how he feels is the ONLY path to life and that everyone else has no clue what they are talking about. What the hell!!!
To top this all off his daughter actually left me a comment saying "Dear friend, if there is indeed such a place as hell, I think believing that you never judged will be the least of your concerns". Which was in response to me posting facts as well as me saying "though to some people I'm going to hell because I don't believe what they believe but at least I will die knowing I did not judge".
I took this girls WEDDING PHOTOS!!! And she tells me this! It's been bothering me and bothering me and every time I think I've let it go, there it is again! I'm hurt and I've pushed it to the side, but what else am I to do? I know letting it go would be the ideal thing but I don't understand how someone who is supposed to be my friend can sit and say that, and better yet post it on a social media web site for all of my friends to read!!!
Can I get some opinions on this please!?
Thank you!
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Being honest is scary...
It's scary, when you're confident in yourself, stable in your beliefs and know that even when it doesn't seem like it you are slowly moving towards your purpose in life (or shall I say goal). I am one in 7 Billion people and it's difficult for me to write these words let a lone utter these words, "I do not believe in God". I would like to clarify this though before you all gasp in utter dismay, heart ache and possibly start having thoughts about me of "how could she", or "why does she not". For those of you who do know me, do I seem to come across as an uncaring person? Am I cold hearted? Evil by any means? Do I judge others for their beliefs? The answers to these are No, I am not uncaring (i am always willing to help people whether they are loved ones or strangers and if they will let me help them), No, I am not cold hearted (i have a huge, warm heart, open to all of those around me), NO, I am certainly not evil (i do not wish bad upon another, I do not wish death, or sadness upon those that I may not agree with), and HELL NO do I not judge others for their beliefs! We are all one to our own and have every right imaginable to believe what we want to.
It's absolutely beautiful for a person who may not have a single soul around to lean on, to be able to find comfort in the belief of something or someone higher than they are.
For me, I have not cut off my mind, soul or heart to the cultures of the world. I chose to learn from them all. Is there something wrong with that? I don't believe so, though others would argue that with me. They would argue that there is only one true way to believe or follow, that only one "God" out there is the right God and all of the others are wrong. My question to them though is, "is there only one way to get to your destination", "is there only one way to write a song", "is there always only one answer to a question"? There are many ways to get to where you are going in life, there are many versus to a song, and there are always multiple answers to a question. Though the direction taken, the words written and the path chosen are up to who ever is making those decisions. They are not wrong, they are what is chosen. I have the right and free will to chose what I believe in, and that does not mean that I will go to Hell because of it, and that does not mean that I won't go to Heaven because of it. Those two places are what you make them.
If there is life after death I feel I will certainly go somewhere, because I am a good person. I do have my flaws in life but don't we all.
On a final note, I want you all to know that I do have Faith. I just chose not to put all of my Faith into something I can not bring myself to believe in. I also can not bring myself to chose one "right" out of so many other wonderful things in life.
I hold nothing against those who choose the path of Jesus Christ, just please remember to grant me the courtesy and all of the other people you may come across to not push your beliefs on me or those around you. That is all I ask.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Have you ever experienced something that made you realize being happy in life really shouldn't be that hard? It's absolutely scary when you sit down and come to terms with things that are really starting to bother you, that frankly shouldn't be happening. So this is where I wonder, why am I continuing to let it happen? Then I remember, I'm in my comfort zone. How horrible is that comfort zone, it just keeps you from everything you really want to do. Please nobody try and defend the comfort zone because it's an Ass Hole! Life should be fun, it should be scary and keep you on your toes and if you have a talent or a knack for something then you should go for it! Not sit around going "gosh I'd love to be doing .... but I just can't because I have this bill or that bill" or the best one I do is "oh well, I have this bill and that bill and I can just deal with the annoyances I deal with everyday because that's normal"! BUT WHAT THE HELL!!! No it's not normal! It's bull shit, and I call it how I see it! We get so sucked into things with people that we just push crap aside instead of dealing with the situation. It's like being in a shit relationship, when you ignore problems because you don't draw the line at what is allowed to happen and what really should not be happening.
Comfort zones.... please go to hell die and burn! You make life boring and I don't like that!
Comfort zones.... please go to hell die and burn! You make life boring and I don't like that!
Friday, February 3, 2012
It's 8:08, Friday February the 3rd and tomorrow I will be departing on my first "big girl" vacation! I'm excited, I'm nervous as hell but I know I'll do just fine. I think the thing I'm more nervous about is flying on a plane. I've been once before, when I was a little whipper snapper and according to mom, fell asleep and I have no recollection of this event so therefore my flight tomorrow will be My first flight. I don't really have a fear of crashing, that's not what has me nervous. Hell I don't know what has me nervous, maybe just that this will truly assert my independence because I'm going on my own, no parents to hold my hand the entire trip or have them to rely on for things, or making sure I get where I'm supposed to be going. Ahhh! This is going to be so liberating!
So, where am I going?
That simple saying where people say I want to go to Paradise for vacation people automatically think of Hawaii or an Island out in the middle of the ocean. For me, it's Paradise California! My very talented aunt lives there where she blows glass and creates amazing things! I can't wait to see her in action and maybe even try some glass blowing of my own. :) The only states I've ever been to are Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada and Oklahoma. First on my own is going to be California, never thought that would happen.
Last night I spent the better part of the evening editing photos, listening to music and having a lovely conversation with a new friend of mine Jim Nooney. Being a photographer opens up my world to so many new people, daily that I'm always learning new things. I really enjoy meeting new people and being able to have conversations with them that aren't full of drama or aren't related to things in my life but new things. :)
-- All day at work my annoying coworker kept saying "i hope you have a great time on your vacation" and it was EXTREMELY hard for me to not look him in the eye and say "yes I will because I don't have to deal with your sorry ass for a whole week!!!!" but I was a polite little angel, smiled and said "yes I hope I do too".
---I'm going to miss my cat while I'm gone I just know it. That little annoying fuzz ball keeps me warm at night or annoyingly keeps me laying in one position because some how, and this I will never understand she weighs 100lbs when she is sleeping! It's like sticking a bolder next to your leg and trying to move, it just doesn't happen! Maggie, my little love bug fuzz ball I miss you all ready.
Something that pissed me off today!
- In response to this nonsense, I find the fact that Religion is mentioned just blows my mind. In a country, better yet a world where Everybody, and I mean Everybody has a different "religion" (argue if you may) that we chose to pass a bill that will hurt not only people wanting to have a family but Children that are wanting to have a family, tax payers that will be paying more because these children can't get adopted due to RELIGION!!!! I don't have a problem with people having faith in something, or feeling that a higher power watches over them. The ring I wear everyday that say's "everything is possible with faith" should show you I believe in something. I just don't call that something God because then I'd have to explain God to people or having people assume it's "God", the same God they worship but it's not.
As this country grows more and more small minded, where we care less about others and are more interested in ourselves I wonder where we truly will be at the end of the year when it's all supposed to go to hell. I hope something happens, not the end of life it'self but something that will open peoples mind, heart, soul and spirit up to all that is out there, not just what they want to see.
On a lighter note this phrase to me really made my day and it's still making me smile.
-- Views like that are what make men walk into parked cars, street signs, trees... ;-) --
So, where am I going?
That simple saying where people say I want to go to Paradise for vacation people automatically think of Hawaii or an Island out in the middle of the ocean. For me, it's Paradise California! My very talented aunt lives there where she blows glass and creates amazing things! I can't wait to see her in action and maybe even try some glass blowing of my own. :) The only states I've ever been to are Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada and Oklahoma. First on my own is going to be California, never thought that would happen.
Last night I spent the better part of the evening editing photos, listening to music and having a lovely conversation with a new friend of mine Jim Nooney. Being a photographer opens up my world to so many new people, daily that I'm always learning new things. I really enjoy meeting new people and being able to have conversations with them that aren't full of drama or aren't related to things in my life but new things. :)
-- All day at work my annoying coworker kept saying "i hope you have a great time on your vacation" and it was EXTREMELY hard for me to not look him in the eye and say "yes I will because I don't have to deal with your sorry ass for a whole week!!!!" but I was a polite little angel, smiled and said "yes I hope I do too".
---I'm going to miss my cat while I'm gone I just know it. That little annoying fuzz ball keeps me warm at night or annoyingly keeps me laying in one position because some how, and this I will never understand she weighs 100lbs when she is sleeping! It's like sticking a bolder next to your leg and trying to move, it just doesn't happen! Maggie, my little love bug fuzz ball I miss you all ready.
Something that pissed me off today!
- In response to this nonsense, I find the fact that Religion is mentioned just blows my mind. In a country, better yet a world where Everybody, and I mean Everybody has a different "religion" (argue if you may) that we chose to pass a bill that will hurt not only people wanting to have a family but Children that are wanting to have a family, tax payers that will be paying more because these children can't get adopted due to RELIGION!!!! I don't have a problem with people having faith in something, or feeling that a higher power watches over them. The ring I wear everyday that say's "everything is possible with faith" should show you I believe in something. I just don't call that something God because then I'd have to explain God to people or having people assume it's "God", the same God they worship but it's not.
As this country grows more and more small minded, where we care less about others and are more interested in ourselves I wonder where we truly will be at the end of the year when it's all supposed to go to hell. I hope something happens, not the end of life it'self but something that will open peoples mind, heart, soul and spirit up to all that is out there, not just what they want to see.
On a lighter note this phrase to me really made my day and it's still making me smile.
-- Views like that are what make men walk into parked cars, street signs, trees... ;-) --
![]() |
Taken in Las Vegas NV, 2011. It's new but looks old, makes me smile :) |
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Gay Rights!!!
Please click this link and read what this brilliant and I say that sarcastically, man has to say. Then read my opinion. (If your on my Facebook your have most likely all ready read the first two posts located below, if so please skip past, and if not please read. ) Thank you!
This quote is from that page, found below the video of him.
"It's not okay. It's a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be."
This is my immediate opinion of the matter....
-- And who is He to say that what people do is wrong or not the way things are "supposed" to be??? Life is what it is. Either grow a pair to accept that or shut your mouth. We all differ in our opinions but the fact that people lose rights because they like the same sex is BS! Our society is so close minded sometimes it's amazing that we even do the things we do. I don't know this man's religious standing but I'm sure he is pretty close to a bible thumper. To hurt others because we don't agree with what they do is sad. It's not your life therefore it doesn't affect you, don't affect others.
I argue that his opinion that children should grow up with mothers and fathers, that with mothers and fathers who are together having children is correct or "healthy", I want to say that if a child (lets pick one of the millions out there that doesn't have a home right now, due to lack of a teenager keeping her legs closed or even due to a rape and the baby was put up for adoption--yes i hit both sides of this subject--) is adopted into a gay home that couple, man/man or woman/woman obviously wants a family and is obviously going to love and care for that child just like any other man/wife couple. This man's opinion can't just be based on the "health" of our society but with his religious standings. This is my opinion but I'm sure a lot of you will agree and I'm sure a lot wont.
This quote is from that page, found below the video of him.
"It's not okay. It's a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be."
This is my immediate opinion of the matter....
-- And who is He to say that what people do is wrong or not the way things are "supposed" to be??? Life is what it is. Either grow a pair to accept that or shut your mouth. We all differ in our opinions but the fact that people lose rights because they like the same sex is BS! Our society is so close minded sometimes it's amazing that we even do the things we do. I don't know this man's religious standing but I'm sure he is pretty close to a bible thumper. To hurt others because we don't agree with what they do is sad. It's not your life therefore it doesn't affect you, don't affect others.
I argue that his opinion that children should grow up with mothers and fathers, that with mothers and fathers who are together having children is correct or "healthy", I want to say that if a child (lets pick one of the millions out there that doesn't have a home right now, due to lack of a teenager keeping her legs closed or even due to a rape and the baby was put up for adoption--yes i hit both sides of this subject--) is adopted into a gay home that couple, man/man or woman/woman obviously wants a family and is obviously going to love and care for that child just like any other man/wife couple. This man's opinion can't just be based on the "health" of our society but with his religious standings. This is my opinion but I'm sure a lot of you will agree and I'm sure a lot wont.
This subject if you can't tell really upsets me. Everybody has their Freedom of Speech (correct) everyone has The Right To Express Themselves (also correct). I have known gay people in my life, I also have a Bisexual friend who is My Best Friend, and to think that he could lose rights because the way he lives his life is not seen as "healthy for the society" seriously pisses me off! People should not have to hide who they are, people should not have to live in fear that if they do open up to who they are that they will be seen differently than others or even be killed (if we go to the extreme). People have lost what ever little bit of will power they ever had to look past what the corrupted government has to say, to look past what Religion has to say (which is Bull shit anyways --again my opinion) and to see the bigger picture. Are we seriously that scared? Are we seriously that close minded? Better yet are we seriously that small minded??? We worry So much about what everybody else is doing, about what everybody else is saying or thinking or how they dress, how they talk, walk, work, etc that the stupidest thing we can think to worry about is how people are having SEX , because it's not a man and a woman! If God him or herself had such a major issue with it I'm pretty sure all those people would fall down dead or somehow have a change of mind. I'm not religious, I do have faith... Faith that people will GROW UP!!! As long as people are happy, as long as they are in love, as long as they are taking care of any pour child that is left behind due to whatever reason in life it should not matter if they take it in the ass or if they use their hands!!! My goodness! And if we really want to get technical their are sex toys that women can put on to get a man in the ass, and men use their fingers on women! (Yes I JUST WENT THERE!!! Get over it!)
Love conquers all no matter if we have retarded men like this in the world, and let's not forget the retard women in the world because I know they are out there!
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