Everything is possible with Truth, Beauty, Freedom, Faith and Love

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Anti New Year Resolutions---Day to Day Resolutions instead!

Every year we make New Year's Resolutions, though most of us never really follow through with them. And why must we wait until the New Year to decide to make changes in our life? We have 365 days in a year and we have to wait till the 1st day of January to make decisions on what needs to be changed???!!! We should be making these decisions every day whether it's wanting to eat better and lose weight which is what...everybody's goal plan (getting kinda pointless really). I say that because we are all fine the way we are. If you eat correctly to begin with and if you do some sort of work out during the week your fine. Size 0 to a Size 16 and up! We were not all created to be one size, the same size, the same body, or the same person because that would get boring pretty darn fast. Other New Year's Resolutions could be to start saving money...yeah, we do that everyday folks!
Here's a new idea! Make small goals each day. Making breakfast, lunch or dinner instead of buying it. Spend more time with family...as long as they live close it shouldn't be that hard (something I'm trying to work on). Spend time with friends, just because you are with friends doesn't mean you have to spend money either, or drink till your death, or eat bad foods...just hang out and shoot the shit people! Go outside!!!! -I've found myself enjoying being outside more often than being inside unless I'm dog tired, or it's cold. Listen to music, read a book, write a song, decorate your place, etc etc. To Hell with New Year's Resolutions, lets make Day to Day Resolutions! that's my new idea and i'm stickin to it! :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I haven't blogged in a while, my life has been crazy and it's starting to run me down. I work a lot, I don't get enough sleep and I hold onto things wayyy to long when I should just let it go. However I did recently move into a new lovely, non smelly, and considerably larger apartment that I now call home. I'm in the process of making it my own and even though the move in was kind of frustrating with a few WTF moments, I was able to survive the chaos and enjoy the apartments simple beauty. :)
Among other things that have happened, I talked with an old friend of mine the other day, and it was sort of enlightening. I realized how much I do judge people, specially her and I had to stop and actually look at the entire situation. Yes I still hold a few things against her from the past because words that were said truly did hurt, and yes I don't always agree with the things she does but she is who she is and I will always consider her a friend and love her no matter what. I realized that in a way she really is living the life that many of us would love to live. Though in a way she isn't. Constant searching for something I fear she has lost herself. For I too have gone through a similar situation but I found my feet again. I know what I want to do but I also know it's going to take time and I have other responsibilities that come first.
On a lighter note: my photography business is picking up again :)
-Photos of children at a daycare
-Photos of birthday parties
-Family photos
-And of course my random ventures out into the world to take pictures the way i see things.

Here is one of my favorite pictures from the other day ....
This is the beautiful baby Gavin on his 1st birthday! 

Fall 2011 - Nogal Canyon New Mexico